A hipotese e frequentemente descrita como a terra sendo um. James lovelock, a terra e um ser vivo do qual somos o. Long ago the greeks, thinking this way, gave to the earth the name gaia or, for short, ge. We feel that we belong here as if this planet were indeed our home. No entanto, erroneamente, colocava a terra como centro do universo, ao redor da qual os outros astros giravam.
James lovelock called his first proposal the gaia hypothesis but has also used the term gaia theory. For instance, arguments hipotdsis for and against it were laid out in the journal climatic change in and the chemical evolution of the atmosphere and the oceans. The latter is the weakest form of gaia that lovelock has. We have begun to add a new series of scientific papers by prof lovelock coauthors onto the website.
The gaia hypothesis a, also known as the gaia theory or the gaia principle, proposes. Welcome to the personal website of james lovelock, originator of gaia theory, inventor of the electron capture detector which made possible the detection of cfcs and other atmospheric nanopollutants and of the microwave oven. Calcium carbonate is used by living organisms to manufacture carbonaceous tests and shells. Originalmente proposta pelo investigador britanico james e. Gottgensconservation biologyhans papers 2010tilman and downing 1994 nature. The claw hypothesisinspired by the gaia hypothesis, proposes a feedback loop that operates between ocean ecosystems and the earth s climate. Lovelock states that the initial formulation was based on observation, but still lacked a scientific explanation. En una entrada anterior presentamos a james lovelock. Many processes in the earths surface essential for the conditions of life depend on the interaction of living forms, especially microorganismswith inorganic elements. The gaia hypothesis has since been supported by a number of scientific experiments20 and provided a number of useful. James lovelock gave this name to his hypothesis after a suggestion from the novelist william goldingwho was living in the same village as lovelock at the time bowerchalkewiltshireuk. James lovelock originator of gaia theory and inventor of. Lovelock named the idea after gaia, the primordial goddess who personified the earth.
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